Our podcast, NeuroDiverse Christian Couples, is live. You can subscribe on your favorite platform using the link above or search for it using your platform's search tool.
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Have you considered how neurology impacts marital and family counseling?
Have you heard of NeuroDiverse relationships?
Have you considered how Theory of Mind and perspective-taking differences may impact a couple’s ability to connect spiritually, socially-relationally, cognitively, and physically?
Have you considered that NeuroDivergent and NeuroTypical people may have different capacities or needs to connect or even how connection is defined to each person?
​Have you considered that neurotype or brain neurology is crucial to understand when working with couples when one or both spouses are on the Autism Spectrum?
Are you a NeuroDiverse couple wanting to get started in better understanding your relationship or take next steps? Click HERE to find courses available for you!
Are you a pastor, coach, counselor, chaplain, or marriage therapist that wants to better understand NeuroDiverse Christian Couples (NDCCs)? We have a certification program for you to become a NeuroDiverse Christian Couple's Certified Professional or we have courses you can take to increase your knowledge and understanding to better serve NDCCs. CONTACT US to find out which option of training is better for you.
We invite you to learn about AS-NT or NeuroDiverse Christian couples and better understand the nuances and challenges that NeuroDiverse Christian couples face in communication and connection with each other.

Hear from Our Professional Clients...
As certified life coaches, we were looking for something to better equip us in helping couples who are NeuroDiverse, as we are. Thankfully, we found it in “IANDCM!” Their resources have not only clinical information, but also, valuable input from ND/NT couples. We strongly recommend the training and courses offered through IANDCM!
Jeremy & Charity Rochford
ND Couple & Marriage Coaches
I am completing Rev. & Dr. Holmes courses and listening to their Neurodiverse Christian Couples podcasts so that in my professional coaching practice, in my small groups and in my discipleship ministry at church I will be able to better recognize, understand and address the unique issues ASD presents in Christian marriages and families. Highly recommended for pastors and coaches!
Rev. Iris Knapp
Certified Professional Christian Life Coach
The training available on the Neurodiverse Christian Marriages website is, in my opinion, the best autism training for clinicians and clergy currently available online. Nothing I have found comes even close to the depth of applicable knowledge that Dr. Stephanie Holmes and her team have provided for clinicians, clergy and families. I strongly endorse their training materials and podcasts, and am certain that Rev. & Dr. Holmes will continue to be an important thought leader for neurodiversity in the years to come!
Barbara Grant
Biblical Counselor, NeuroDiverse Couples' Coach & Certified Autism Specialist
Hear from Couples We've Helped...
Autism in marriage and family is highly challenging and needs special training and attention, which this curriculum can provide. An Autism specialist, like Dr. Stephanie is the only thing that saved our marriage, and we tried it all! And the specialized help was also soul saving for us as well. Please love others enough to put away your preconceived notions and be open to learning the differences and needs related to Autism/NeuroDiversity.
Kenda from Florida
As a neurodiverse couple, we have benefitted from Dr. Holmes’ coaching for years. We have found that education is a key component in successful communication. Understanding the difference in the wiring of the autistic brain is critical in understanding how to coach neurodiverse couples. Counsel and marriage books geared toward the norm do not help, and can damage the relationship further. Our marriage and communication have improved dramatically after working with Dr. Holmes.
Couple from California
We were in this spot, we learned this and that, and through our journey want to mentor and help other couples - kind of we were there but there is hope if you learn the skills and use the skills and stay in mentorship or accountability and keep learning
There is not an arrival point; we keep growing together.